Affiliated Institutions

Galleries and Artists' Associations
Small Presses
Esoteric Societies

The Marcus Kelli Collection


International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

A division of the Ontological Museum, containing contributions from the Zymoglyphic Museum

The Marcus Kelli Collection, Oakland, Calif.

Dedicated to the conservation and display of the collections and fieldwork of an underrated amateur naturalist. Partially inspired by the Zymoglyphic Museum. More photos here

Musee 16, Los Angeles, Calif.

A wandering museum in a trailer featuring "visual art, literature, sound and film that defies easy categorization"

The Museum of Dust

"Providing sanctuary for the misplaced, the forgotten and the misbegotten since 2006." Acquired the Zymoglyphic Museum for its Wunderkammer collection

The Museum of Jurassic Technology, Culver City, Calif,

A "specialized repository of relics and artifacts from the Lower Jurassic" and "the grandparent of modern fictocryptic establishments"

The Museum of Lost Wonder

A museum in book form, dedicated to rediscovering the "muse" in "museum" through the stages of alchemy

The Museum of Unnatural Selection, Oakland, Calif.

A portable museum in a 20-foot shipping container featuring a rusty diorama

Peninsula Museum of Art, Belmont, Calif.

Hosted the Zymoglyphic Museum's Xenophora collection as part of a show on collectors

The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things Traveling Roadside Attraction and Museum, Lucas, Kansas

"an interactive mobile environment devoted to the exploration and celebration of World's Largest Things"


The Morbid Anatomy Library, Brooklyn, NY

A personal library and curiosity cabinet open to the public. It focuses primarily on topics of interest to the Morbid Anatomy blog, "surveying the interstices of art and medicine, death and culture." Museums, collecting, and curiosity cabinets are an area of interest as well, and the library doubles as a curiosity cabinet.

Prelinger Library, San Francisco, Calif.

A personal research library in San Francisco, open to the public for the benefit of artists, independent scholars, and interested browsers.

Galleries and Artists' Associations

Bay Area Book Artists

An association of people primarily creating handmade or limited-run artist's books, but also including poets, new media artists, and self-published books. The association sponsors an annual Book Arts Jam in which the museum participates.

Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists

Creative uses for mortal remains. Includes 30 working members from all over.

Observatory, Brooklyn, NY

An intimate gallery and auditorium near the Gowanus Canal. It hosts an excellent series of lectures on topics that would be of interest to museum patrons

Proteus Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY

A gallery of art, artifacts and books next to Observatory and the Morbid Anatomy Library. Books from the Zymoglyphic Museum Press are available for perusal and purchase here.

Silicon Valley Open Studios and San Francisco Open Studios

Associations of artists who open their studios annually to the public. The museum has participated in these events for many years.

Small Presses

PreNeo Press, Redwood City, Calif.

Conceptual interventions, including the Meaning Maker: Art Viewing Edition, a guide for befuddled museum visitors

Steam Iron Press, San Mateo, Calif.

Multiple edition books from Judith Hoffman, artist-in-residence

Esoteric Societies

Atlas Obscura

"A compendium of the world's wonders, curiosities, and esoterica", of which the museum is one. Atlas Obscura sponsors the annual Obscura Day with the museum serving as one of the destinations.

The Hollow Earth Society

"To chart the pasts that could have been, diffract the possibilities of the present, and make always strange and new the future."

The Elsewhere Philatelic Society

A shadowy organization of stamp-makers and stamp-seekers. The museum has been one of its stamp-seeker destinations.

The Order of the Good Death

Creative ideas on what to do with your own mortal remains